Saturday, November 5, 2011

the DGA 75th anniversary game changers event

Was watching a video on the DGA 75th anniversary game changers event, a tribute to Steven Spielberg, and his legacy in the film industry.   The event had two other big named Directors come in and talk about how he has changed and influenced many of todays Director’s and film makers. JJ Abrams and James Cameron share their view of many of his movies and scenes that showed how Spielberg created some great scenes. They talk about many of his movies and some of the scenes as in Jaws, close Encounters of the third kind, and how he shot certain scenes. Its very interesting me to hear him talk about how even though you wonder how he came up with the shots, but the real stories on what happen on the set as in shooting the scene in jaws on the ship, one of the main actors had a little to much to drink and how the scene work out in the end. Another one story on the set of Close Encounters how he when shooting the ending scene of the mother ship, how it was hard to get all the actors and extra to have the same eye line as to where the ship would be located at. He talks about how the past great film Directors influenced him and how it shape his career. He has left a maker mark on the film industry and it has also was one of the reasons I wanted to be a film director because of what he has done. To do films like he did that people can relate and connect to.  That can leave a lasting impressing and creating characters we all can relate to.  It would be a great honor to work with this man and to learn straight from him on his creative side.  I hope that one day I can meet the man, and thank him for inspiring me.  

       The other article talks about Raiders of the Lost Ark and how he and Geroge Lucus came up with the story and concepts for the film.